The Guardians of the Galaxyflew in just for the panel, leaving again that night to resume shooting in London. The biggest casting news is the confirmation of Djimon Hounsu as Korath, Michael Rooker as Yondu, a bald Karren Gillan as Nebula (she took off her wig and threw it into the audience) and Beneicio Del Toro as the Collector! Stay safe and stay healthy.Marvel has confirmed key roles in Guardians of the Galaxy at the Comic-Con International in San Diego. Thank you all for the read and continued support. And finally, if you’re looking for something else to read, check out my Amazon Online Comic Shop by clicking HERE. Lastly, if the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY are your all-time favorite hero team, click HERE to snag some of the very best issues and trades from this dynamic team throughout the years. If you’re interested in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #10, click HERE to get a copy! If you’ve been really digging Ewing’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, click HERE to get your hands on related trades, volumes, and issues.
Ewing is definitely on to something here and I think the series is on the cusp of doing something really special. Nonetheless, if you came to this rodeo for a solid GOTG story centered around Star-Lord with its driving force to right the ship of his character, you will be pleased. Knull is an oddly misrepresented White Walker who speaks in lyrical rhymes that appear to come from a poorly portrayed David Lynch movie. If you’re a VENOM fan looking for a KING IN BLACK story, this won’t do it for you. Ewing understands Star-Lord and he needs to be in this series front and center.

It’s great to see him back with the team and a focus within the series. Out of the 10 total issues of GOTG by Ewing to date, every last issue related to Star-Lord or that has him as an emphasis, has been lights out! Nevertheless, the issues with him missing have been almost dreadful. Well, it seems to be working and I for one am enjoying the ride. It seems as though Ewing’s goal when taking this series over was to restore Peter to his roots. He’s strong, confident, and still just as personable as always. Additionally, Star-Lord fans haven’t seen him this in a long time.

Ewing gives fans a few answers as this countdown continues towards something big that’s being set up by this creative team. On a more positive note, readers get a ton of information about Peter Quill, where he’s been, and roughly what’s happened and how it happened. This issue would have been better suited if it was just the GOTG team verse a dragon. Plus, you’ll notice Ewing hammer home Knull’s use of the word “master” over and over again as a mere setup for what he wants to reveal before this issue comes to a close as if he’s a little kid setting up a joke he heard earlier in the day. To anyone who’s been following VENOM and events leading up to KING IN BLACK, I think you’ll be disappointed in this oddly mysterious take. It’s almost as if Ewing thinks he’s some ancient, poetic, Bram Stoker Vampire. Knull’s voice, his speech, and his mannerism are all wrong. However, the biggest knock this reviewer can give the entire issue is Ewing’s take on the KING IN BLACK himself.
Ewing reinforces how to get the job done without creating an utterly pointless issue in the process. There doesn’t need to be a one-shot forced into the story. Ewing’s foundation is how all ongoing series should do tie-ins and not miss a beat. Ewing managed to continue his tale while simultaneously infusing elements of the KING IN BLACK event directly into his story.

If you’re interested in this comic or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.Īs tie-ins go, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #10 wasn’t half bad. It’s a good thing the legendary Star-Lord has returned! As the clock continues to tick down to The Last Stand, let’s crash into this week’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #10 by Al Ewing to see how they manage against Knull and is dragon brigade.

Spartax is the KING IN BLACK’s next victim and the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY can’t protect it alone. Knull and his dragons are purifying the universe of life itself. Writer: Al Ewing Art: Juann Cabal, Federico Blee, VC’s Cory Petit, Marcelo Maiolo, and Rafael Albuquerque Publisher: MARVEL COMICS Price: $3.99 Release Date: January 6th, 2021